Not physical balance, that I still have trouble with. That whole coordination thing and I don't get along very well. We're working on that. Couple's therapy and the like. KA meetings... fun things like that.
Anyway, no, I mean my mental balance. Being able to talk to Lissy consistently puts my head back in the right place, instead of being lost and running into walls. Everything is much more defined, except my desire to study. Well, no... I've never had any desire to study. Just one of those things you gotta do to pass classes to graduate to go and take more classes to graduate and then go get a job. Life looks bright. :P
I have spring break next week, thank you Lord and Lady. I just have to make it until Friday and then I'm free... sleep, everyday! Huzzah! I mean, I'm still going to have to study for the tests after break, but at least I'll be able to sleep in almost every morning. I love sleep. It's my best friend. Besides N, and Aerial, and Lakshmi, and Jesse, of course. It's a.... four-way tie. But, nonetheless, huzzah!
Why don't people use the word huzzah anymore? More people should. That's your surviving wonderland tip for the week: use huzzah as often as possible so that one day you can feel great that you brought the word back into everyday use.