Thursday, March 31, 2011

Of interesting ways to begin the day

My psychology class was an interesting experience this morning. We were going through the chapter of mood disorders, which also had a section about suicide tacked onto the end. And a section of self-injury tacked onto the end of that. I was seriously hoping the earth would open up beneath me so that I could hide like a scared little girl and not deal with this. Unfortunately, the earth denied my request. I told myself I was not going to comment on anything in this lecture, BUT, me being me, I ended up talking anyway. Another girl asked why someone would do that and I answered. And once I did I turned away and didn't say another word. I just cried  throughout the rest of the class. Silent crying, mind you. I made eye contact with my professor once, but she knew why I was crying, considering the fact she just read the gender autobiography I had to turn in for Psychology of Women. No one said anything, class ended, I went to fix my make-up in the bathroom (liquid eyeliner bleeds like no other...), and that was it. Interesting morning.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"You can't eat that, honey. It's a rope."

Hiho (or Hilo, as we also enjoy calling him) was interesting to work with this morning. This season he's actually working! For those who have no clue who I'm talking about, Hiho is one of the many horses at the equine therapy center where I volunteer. He retired from working when he was diagnosed with cancer, so any experience had with him before now was just giving him TLC. However, he's doing amazing, so he got all super groomed and pretty and started working again. Anyway. I was his handler/leader this morning, and he was so fidgety! He tried to eat the reins when he was being tacked and then tried to gallop when he was being warmed up. At random intervals he would try to eat the lead rope, and if he got a good grip on it, refused to let go. He'd try to make sharp turns into walls during class and every time we had to stop he shoved his nose into my chest like "get a move on!" It was pretty funny. 

And then, once he got to go back to pasture, with his white coat still gleaming and beautiful, he immediately rolled around in the mud. What a horse. Gotta love him. =)


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My balance is back =)

Not physical balance, that I still have trouble with. That whole coordination thing and I don't get along very well. We're working on that. Couple's therapy and the like. KA meetings... fun things like that.

Anyway, no, I mean my mental balance. Being able to talk to Lissy consistently puts my head back in the right place, instead of being lost and running into walls. Everything is much more defined, except my desire to study. Well, no... I've never had any desire to study. Just one of those things you gotta do to pass classes to graduate to go and take more classes to graduate and then go get a job. Life looks bright. :P

I have spring break next week, thank you Lord and Lady. I just have to make it until Friday and then I'm free... sleep, everyday! Huzzah! I mean, I'm still going to have to study for the tests after break, but at least I'll be able to sleep in almost every morning. I love sleep. It's my best friend. Besides N, and Aerial, and Lakshmi, and Jesse, of course. It's a.... four-way tie. But, nonetheless, huzzah!

Why don't people use the word huzzah anymore? More people should. That's your surviving wonderland tip for the week: use huzzah as often as possible so that one day you can feel great that you brought the word back into everyday use.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Are you f*cking kidding me?

Am I the only person who can say that we had a shooter on campus today (well, yesterday), and that it's giving everyone on campus, including me, a nervous breakdown and have no one give a damn? The person who stubbed their toe is more important than a life or death situation? Are you fucking kidding me? Having no one care is almost worse than having a mad man with a rifle roaming campus. Seriously, world, are you fucking kidding me?
