Tuesday, August 30, 2011

in which today fucking sucks

So, I've had the worst day ever. Because of a new medication, my seizure meds have become slightly less effective, which led to small absence seizures... I didn't really notice what they were until today when I had one or more every five minutes. In case you don't know what those are, your brain is seizing, and you end up missing several seconds of time. It's like closing your eyes and opening them and you're across the room and you're not sure how you are, because you don't remember any of that walk. Or talking on the phone to someone and they're suddenly talking about something else and you have no memory of them changing topics. Some are just a few seconds, some are more like 10 seconds. They're really, really fucking creepy and distressing. So that's what I was having every five minutes. I called my mom, and she called my neurologist who told her to bring me to the hospital immediately. In the hospital I got five million tests run, stabbed repeatedly trying to get an IV in and draw blood (did you know getting an IV in your wrist hurts like fucking hell?), and it seriously sucked. And now I'm sentenced to bed rest for today and tomorrow, despite the fact that this is my first week of classes and that I need to study and go to all of those classes. And I keep having tiny ones and they're still just as distressing... And I can't drive for another fucking six months... and today fucking sucks.


Monday, August 22, 2011

in which I would just like to say...

That if Rick Perry becomes president, I'm moving to Canada. Seriously. This is the man that changed his party to be elected as governor. I know how shitty he is in office, I live in Texas, and you can bet your ass I did not vote for him to be reelected. So, if you're saying Perry for President, I'm saying hello to Canada.

love (a very miffed),

Sunday, August 21, 2011

in which it is almost time to say goodbye to summer.

So, summer is rapidly drawing to a close, and I just really want to cling to it and refuse to start back to school. Unfortunately I've been informed that time doesn't give a damn about what you want it to do, so I must give into it (trust me I tried not to when Natalie had to return to her frozen wasteland of a state and it didn't work out so well). Classes will be starting next Monday, and I will have to remember the layout of my school sometime before then, as I have absolutely no idea where the science building is. Which... is kind of sad considering I spent a year living on campus. I mean, geez, I know where the freaking visual arts building is and I've never even had to go there. How do I not know where the freaking science building is?

Blech. I still have to start packing. Yup, going back to school soon and I haven't even packed. Well, it's mostly clothes that I have to pack... and that couldn't take long, right? Ignore the fact that it took me a day last year. Also ignore the fact that it took me two days to assemble half of that crap together. I mean... most of them are still in their boxes from when I moved out at the end of the spring, so that can't take as long... I hope. I should probably stop writing this blog entry and go back; but am I going to? If you said "no" raise your hand as you are correct ladies and gents. If you said "yes" ha, you obviously are unaware of how much of a procrastinator I am. I'll finish this entry on that note, and procrastinate some more.

PS:  I'm procrastinating on giving you a lesson

Saturday, August 13, 2011

in which I once more have nothing important to say

My blog feels neglected. So I'm posting, even though I really have nothing to say. Um.... updated my website (http://www.gisellesylphide.webs.com) so that now I have a new page. Put up the long ago promised, half forgotten, greatly procrastinated on, second edition of Lovely. Not so many changes, but they were all things I thought were important, so there. :P Classes will be starting again soon... so summer is slowly running out of steam. Dammit. Uh... if you haven't by now, go download Evanescence's new single What You Want, it's pretty epic. Read my girlfriend's book, it's called Poetry by Natalie Bailey Hardin, currently only available on smashwords... play freerice, you learn and donate rice to people... and that's about I'll I've got. 


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pet Peeves

We all have them, and sometimes we own up to them, and sometimes we keep them inside while we imagine strangling someone with the bubblegum they keep popping in our ears. Or gluing someone's jaw together so they stop smacking. So, I'm going to own up to my sometimes strange pet peeves, and maybe in the comments y'all can share some of yours, too.

The list:
-Calling the president Mr/Ms *insert last name here* instead of President *insert last name here*. Or even just Mr/Ms President. Seriously, give them some respect.
-Text speak. Is it so hard to just type everything out?
-People not putting commas before or after someone's name/title. Like saying "Hey Bobby, what's up?" when it should be "Hey, Bobby. What's up?"
-People pestering me while I'm trying to kiss my girlfriend.
-When people put bible verses up as their facebook status.
-People trying to talk to me while I'm listening to my ipod.

I might add some more later. Now, what are yours?
