We all have them, and sometimes we own up to them, and sometimes we keep them inside while we imagine strangling someone with the bubblegum they keep popping in our ears. Or gluing someone's jaw together so they stop smacking. So, I'm going to own up to my sometimes strange pet peeves, and maybe in the comments y'all can share some of yours, too.
The list:
-Calling the president Mr/Ms *insert last name here* instead of President *insert last name here*. Or even just Mr/Ms President. Seriously, give them some respect.
-Text speak. Is it so hard to just type everything out?
-People not putting commas before or after someone's name/title. Like saying "Hey Bobby, what's up?" when it should be "Hey, Bobby. What's up?"
-People pestering me while I'm trying to kiss my girlfriend.
-When people put bible verses up as their facebook status.
-People trying to talk to me while I'm listening to my ipod.
I might add some more later. Now, what are yours?