Thursday, October 7, 2010

If I was uncertain before....

then I definitely know now that people terrify me. Like, I need to go see Beth to pick up the outline for my paper, but I could not force myself to go into the honors office. I did touch the door though, before turning away, which is considerable progress. I might also have used up all of my bravery today having to ask a woman if she would pop her collar and let us take a picture for our scavenger hunt. Which, by the way, my team won. Five extra credit points, yay!

And my group really liked the theme I created for the powerpoint. Which they should. 'Cause it's awesome. And I worked on it for like three hours. Hmm, I wonder if I can put a picture of this up...

And... that's about all I've got.

PS. The image is just the background of the slide. There's more formatting that went into creating the full theme, but the background is a good start.

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