Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Too Many Things To Do!!!!

Seriously. Way too many. I have a presentation on whaling at 2:30, and I get to present at the symposium tonight (the six to seven twenty slot if you're going for extra credit or whatever. We're board.... twenty something. Probably should figure that out). Also need to cut my mash-up down to a minute by midnight. Wednesday I have a lovely meeting with the head of the psych department as well. Yay. And choreograph my solo, write my critique of a dance show, do all of my math homework, study for my lab test.... in other words, too much shit.

As I haven't given a lesson lately, I'll give one today over how to not get stung by a wasp in the library.

How to avoid being stung by a wasp in the T-Dub library:
-Don't sit by windows. If you have to sit by a window, carefully shake the blinds and then listen for buzzing. If you hear buzzing, there is most likely a wasp, move the hell away.
-Listen for wasps before you go down an aisle. Just pause and see if you can hear buzzing or the slight zapping noise when the wasp hits the light (you would think they would have figured out that's a bad idea by now). If you hear anything, chose another aisle or go for your second choice of book.
-Either remain perfectly still when you see a wasp, or run the fuck away. Just don't irritate it.
-Don't try to kill it.
-Just avoid the library in the spring in the first place.

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