Wednesday, June 29, 2011

in which I discuss my weirdass dreams

Okay, so just so you know, 98% of my dreams are really fucking weird and make no sense whatsoever. I feel this is unfair, considering the fact that my girlfriend's dreams make sense a majority of the time, as well with almost everyone I know (save Aerial). Sometimes my dreams are good weird, sometimes they are nightmare-ish weird. If you doubt that someone's dreams can be really fucking weird all the time, I am here to prove you wrong. If you are bored out of your mind, I am here to entertain you with queerness. (and dammit I am using that word with its original meaning. If you don't know it, look it up.) Note that not all of these happened in the same night.

Dream #1
Mash up with Harry Potter and Power Rangers, where we had to journey under a volcano on the edge of Hogwarts' grounds. Once we arrived at the volcano, we observed people jumping in at the top and coming back out as flowers.

Dream #2
I am at a water park with an elephant and all of my cousins, and we are hopelessly lost. The elephant ditches us to go on a water slide. I am then separated from my cousins and wander around to a swing set where I meet Amy Lee. We have a long conversation before she abruptly jumps up and says "Oh shit, I have to get a pen!" I return to the water park and watch the elephant try to squeeze into a tube.

Dream #3
So there were these demon socks and I was trying to get them to behave, because they were tormenting the non-demon socks... and then my girlfriend calls me and asks me if I'm going to Hana Pestle's show and I was like, no, I have to deal with these demon socks. And so then I realize the lawyer demon socks were trying to con some non-demon socks out of their neighborhood and while I'm trying to sort that out Hana Pestle calls and asks if I'm coming to see her play, and I had to say, no, I was very sorry, and I wanted to see her but I couldn't go. She asked why and I told her about the demon socks and she was like, "wow, that sucks. bye." And I was left to deal with the demon socks all by myself, and had to go into hiding with some of the non-demon socks to save them from the demon socks.

Dream #4
Some bizarre mix of Evanescence and Spongebob that took place on a rocket ship.

Dream #5
I was hanging out with the guys of Evanescence, past and present. Okay, well, some of them. Not all. I believe it was John, Terry, Ben, and Tim. Weird grouping, right? But it made perfect sense in the dream. I don't know why I was hanging out with them, or what was going on, but it was epically awesome.

And now you know how weird dreams can get. Maybe I'll post some other ones sometime.


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