1. Get what you want, obviously
2. Get out of prison in less than a week, sorry, Lindsay, sucks to be you
3. Avoid sunburn
4. Successfully trick people into buying your bullshit story of your house being haunted
5. Win the lottery
6. Make A's on every exam
7. Form an internationally acclaimed band with some weird
black light brown haired chick you met at camp
Form an internationally acclaimed band with some weirdo who heard you singing/playing the piano at camp
8. Write a decent full-length novel in a month (google national novel writing month)
9. Miss the ground when you aim at it
10. Come up with a top ten list of reasons you love your significant other..... So then you need make a top 25 list!
1. She's simply amazing
2. She's doesn't get annoyed when my thoughts fly to random topics
3. She admits that I'm tied with her kitten for living thing she loves most (and that kitty is so frikkin' cute...)
4. She's a dork, and it's adorable
5. She's all around gorgeous
6. She's one of the few people I know secure enough to not coat their face in make-up each morning
7. She makes promises she keeps
8. She watches cartoons!
9. I can't stop smiling when I'm talking to her
10. Or thinking about her (so... pretty much all the time)
11. If I'm upset she's always there to talk to
12. She doesn't judge people
13. And she's willing to give second chances
14. She shares ice cream with her cat
15. And apparently doesn't find it anywhere near as amusing as I do when said cat sticks her face in the bowl
16. She loves animals more than quite a few people
17. She knows she shouldn't ask me what could possibly go wrong.... because there's always something that can go wrong I'm willing to point out
18. She's fiercely loyal to the people she loves
19. If someone goes to hurt someone she cares about....well... feel bad for that person.
20. She converted! ....to being a gleek
21. She's brave enough to be in recovery
22. She's the number one reason to keep living
23. She's the one person that could ever make me feel grateful for sucking at suicide
24. She's beautiful, so beautiful, on the inside and the outside. Though she's yet to figure that out.
25. She's making it really hard to make a top 25 list... because I could go on and on, but I'll end on the fact that somehow her brain malfunctioned and she picked me to be the one she loves.